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Или как сделать что-то новое

Бывало ли у вас, что вы не хотите заниматься каким-то делом, готовить или бегать по утрам?  Если это так, то тебя никто не заставит заниматься этим делом. Кроме тебя самого. А ведь именно это и не хочется делать – заставлять себя. Тогда как же попробовать приготовить понравившееся блюдо, пробежать стометровку вместе с друзьями, написать книгу, слепить фигурку, подключить самостоятельно финские ТВ-каналы. 

Но если вам правда хочется что-то сделать, вы не должны, а можете найти для этого причину.

Вы всё равно не можете поднять себя с дивана? Тогда начните заниматься планируемым делом с другой стороны, с конца дела, просто попробуйте представить, что будет в конце, будь то вкусный пирог или подтянутая фигура. А ещё окружите себя приятными вещами, включите любимую музыку.

И если тебя достали вспомогательные моменты типа: «Ой, да не устал ты вовсе! Давай, давай, работай!»

Конечно, им лучше знать, устали вы или нет.

В любом случае, ты сам должен не дать себе улизнуть от дела и найти повод для начала работы. Как говориться, находишь новый мотив для новой песни, просто насвистывая. Это и есть мотивация.

Кстати, пока вы ищите мотивацию, научитесь чему-то новому. Это несложно.  Например, научиться сомневаться в авторитетах.  Посмотрите фильм «Здесь курят». В нём заложена вместе с интересным сюжетом умная мысль: каждый человек должен проверять своим умом все даже самые умные, логичные, но чужие мысли.  А ещё для чего нужно сомневаться в мнении других? Хотя бы для того, чтобы стать грамотным лоббистом. Это умение пригодится для выигрывания споров и, вообще, для проведения в жизнь правильной позиции и доказывания своей правоты.

И пока вы пытались научиться чему-то новому, отрицая авторитеты, к вам в дверь уже постучалась мотивация.
Иван Мажуга

A look into another world
via Skyler Brown

Interview with a photographer,  
        who is not looking for ordinary stories,
              and tries not to construct a banal framework.

Darkness is not always negativity and tension. For many, this is inspiration and their outlook on life.
Skiler Brown is no ordinary talented  a photographer, but one who has his own weapon: female hands cutting through the darkness, houses that are about to fall apart before your eyes and immediately create something new and unique. To me,  like many people my age,  I like to communicate with such creative people who express themselves outside the box in life. Through them you can learn a lot of interesting things that others do not see,  or you didn’t see it yourself. Not everyone can dare to talk to  a man who knows everything about darkness and light,  I was able by interviewing  at Skiler  across the Atlantic Ocean.

Портрет без названия.jpg
Sacramento River.jpg
Скилер 2019.jpg

Hello! My name is  Zinaida, I am an aspiring journalist from St. Petersburg. May I ask you a few questions?

  Hello, Zinaida! Yes, I am ready to answer the questions that you have for me.

Did you start to study, study photography as a child, or already at an older age?

  I started taking photographs when I was about sixteen, that is, ten years ago. Before that, but  I have been drawing since childhood, I think that the presence  experience in the visual arts made the first transition to photography. 

Where did you study  photography?                                 

  I had one photography class in high school, but I didn't study photography in college, I majored in experimental animation at CalArts. Most of what I know about the photographs in question now is  was  made  self-taught.

You have very unusual and mysterious effects in your photos. Did you learn this somewhere or find them yourself? Change  inversion.

  All my changes are methods that I learned myself, mostly through trial and error. However, there are also many photographers whose work inspires me, and therefore I spend a lot of time analyzing their styles and techniques in order to understand how to integrate some of their techniques into my work.  

Where do you find such stories for photos? V  books and films, or is it all your fantasies?

  For my photos, themes and moods  are usually fueled by my own emotions, and images are made up of whatever I can find around me. Filming locations are usually real locations, close to where I live, or locations I find when traveling, and the people in my photographs are usually close friends.
For my films and drawings, these stories and characters are like
  usually everything is out of my imagination.


Thank you very much, be sure to visit us in St. Petersburg, here you will also find many interesting stories for your photos. Goodbye!
Zinaida Yalfimova

happy birthday @combinationlove!.jpg
Woodland Park.jpg

 Through the windows  Overton.

Have to misfortune people in anything  you can not just  using arguments, 
and the arguments and arguments put forward in a certain

Shall we smoke the last one?

Children are shortsighted

In our time, smoking is strongly condemned by the world community and is nothing more than a taboo for children and adolescents.  This dependence is compared with alcoholic and narcotic.  But in the films we see teenagers bravely confront their parents and other representatives of the "mature" category of people. Children want to do everything in their own way, and this translates into acts of a kind of protest through the "forbidden". And when they see the romanticization of smoking from the impressive heroes of the films, imposingly lighting a cigarette at the same time as extravagant acts, then teenagers try to do the same, saving the world from the dense views of their closest ancestors. So let's do everything in a smart way, as life teaches us.

First, we will begin to add even more dependence on something to characters in films, TV shows, and then in children's animation. On the Internet, we will begin to romanticize smoking even more often. Next, we will show the rude, uncouth, "gateway" smokers and, in contrast to them, there will be an elegant way of smoking cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos from celebrities and other idols of young people.

And when clubs of "free", courageous smokers begin to form, they will definitely be noticed by the media, including the state level.

Then the majority of people will have a logical question: "Why not?" That's it! Why? There are more and more smokers, and the state can no longer ignore them. Then everyone will try to find for themselves the positive properties of smoking. Everyone will discover smoking in a new way, and people will increasingly become convinced of the correctness of this type of stress relief and nerve relaxation.  People will be taught to smoke from infancy.  And if everyone does it, then why is it not the norm?

Of course, the question of ecology will arise. Such a huge number of smokers is definitely harmful to the environment. The state will again stop approving smoking due to severe harm  flora and fauna.

Interest in smoking will wane, as the media have already stopped advertising this product due to its legalization in the past. Children will begin to die not only from incurable diseases.

It will be replaced by something else, more progressive, satisfying both moral standards, and the safety of life, and eternally living  merchants. The era of vaping will come.

And we cannot get away from this "smoking".
And how you want to be free!     Neste

In our time, the absence of children is considered a wrong line of thought. Everyone believes that it is imperative to continue your kind, and not less than three branches.

And right there we see people who do not take their children to kindergarten, but lead their careers uphill.  These people are idolized, and they get excellent work in the fields of science and creativity. Nobody ever reproached them for the absence of children.

Previously, women without children were called "empty", and men - "dissolute", which was a negative message. And today it is called childfree - "free of children."

So why do we consider it unacceptable to say that children are not flowers of life, that they can be superfluous? The childfree way of thinking is becoming not only popular, but also necessary in life. Previously, women had no need to work outside the family, mostly men worked, but now they have equal rights, both men and women work. They even like it.

It's a civilized approach to do what you like. After all, in the same way, it is considered civilized to receive an equal salary, work at any job, including the one that was considered truly male.

In a good way, a man and a woman are partners both in sex and in work.  Let's continue this line of civilized partnership. Why do women waste their health during childbirth, some of them even die, and men just continue their lives without consequences. How can a civilized society allow such a thing?

Children can already be grown in test tubes, and experiments are already underway. Isn't it worth spending money from the state budget on? The woman's health will not suffer in any way, and all of humanity will safely survive in the permissible size of the livestock.
But we are not shepherds.


12 /  2035


      Today is my 12th day  birth. 
      Despite this, I was forced to go to school. But who went?        No one.

    Today I met a friend, we went for a walk on Nevsky,
    after on Krestovsky. I remember a lot of this day, 
   I do not even consider it necessary to write what exactly. Now about 4
   o'clock in the afternoon, mom is still at work. I think to go for a walk to  
  Rotonde  with   Nastya.

         But I also decided  finish this diary, he became me   a burden ... (the author's spelling and punctuation are preserved)

 Many say that young people are necessarily frivolous and thoughtless.

  I decided to imagine what life would look like on two thousand thirty-fifth  stages of the spiral of development of human society on Earth, if you look at it from two thousand seventeenth  steps.


Today is my 30th birthday. Today I have been a citizen of the Russian Federation for thirty years. 
Russia is currently the most powerful power in the world, and the Russian ruble is the world's currency. 
What if the world's two major tragedies hadn't happened? In the summer of 2028, the Yellowstone volcano erupted, the complete disintegration of America took place, sending the life of its inhabitants back to the primitive system.
Well, America has lived longer than expected, one has only to remember how much money America owes the whole world. In this case, it turns out that the volcano did not wait for the resettlement of the country and helped the whole world. 
Literally two months later, in September 2028, the second tragedy occurred - the tsunami in China. It flooded millions of people and buildings. People grieved for the lost friends, relatives and just people. It continues to this day,
in the first weeks all the news was abuzz with these tragedies, every day thousands of already dead people were found. Every year the whole world devotes a minute of silence to the memory of these events.

And if from a political point of view, there are almost no countries as powerful as America and China.

But Korea remained. That all changed when the Russian secret services got lucky and discovered that all of Kim Jong-un's missiles were just quality papier-mâché fakes. Now North Korea is not afraid of either Russia or America. 
Russia remained the only world power. Two years later, we adjusted the policy, and Russia began to dictate its rules to the whole world,
and not only to their hard workers at construction sites. 
As for our president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is still sitting in his place and, it seems, does not want to leave him.
Well, he looks pretty young for his age.  What if  did someone show the world the elixir of youth or even immortality? In this case, even my grandchildren will have time to watch the New Year broadcasts with the participation of our president.

And a little more about our country. Now, unlike the previous situation, Russians can travel abroad without a visa. Russia, in turn, also does not require a visa, but restricts the entry of tourists. Thanks to the funds that have appeared in Russia, citizens do not need to work a lot, since the salary is enough for everything. Even my mother, who receives a pension of 120 thousand rubles, can afford to go on vacation to the sea in the summer or at any time when there is a desire, because all the means 
They also started to finance the branches of science well. Russia has moved forward in scientific discoveries.
But not much, it is going to progress.
Also, thanks to science, they made the internal security organs unload by 80%.
They brought out the truth serum. A small prick can expose  offender in 97 cases out of 100. 
Crimes have decreased throughout Russia, but not because of the "serum of truth", but because of the punishment for the crime. For example, now an absolutely healthy criminal can be deprived of a kidney or other organs. Also, thanks to the many criminals who dream of being released, it became clear that in Russia there are many medicines that can cure even more diseases that could not have been cured before.
Life has become much easier. For a Russian to feed himself, it is not necessary to work 10 hours every day, it is enough to work 4 times a week
for 5-8 hours.

There are also bad sides to our current life. For example, they legalized prostitution and soft drugs. Therefore, I am worried about my children, because there are also many more “bad companies”.
But fortunately, in most of them, drugs are not a priority, young people are chasing for some reason more difficult to access, for example, the most unusual snowflakes, like Pokemon once.
Snow in St. Petersburg in winter has become a rarity.

Comparing all the pros and cons, I came to the conclusion that at any time there were good and bad  sides in our life at different times, and the fate of our countries. Now the good ones prevail, and I hope that further everything will develop in a spiral for the better, but in no case will it spin down.

Personal opinion

 Why do children so rarely have the right to personal opinion?
Adults often just don't give children  speak out. They believe that children are inexperienced in different situations.

For example, my mom had information
that all things in the room should have their place, but my mother did not know that my things should lie  only in those places that are determined by me. It's more convenient for me to do my homework, in a “personal creative atmosphere”.

Personal opinion depends not only on  life experience, rather from the information that you received and made up your opinion on this matter.

The information to create a personal opinion should not only be sufficient, but the information should be reliable. That's why  children very often agree  with the opinion of the rest, because they hope that this information can be trusted. My friend said that this academic year we will study biology and it will be boring, I doubted and said that the science of biology is interesting and studies a lot  alive  organisms, but he added that the teacher is planning a lot of written work. Then I agreed that it would be boring. That's why be  always ready  change your mind if you receive new information or feel that it is not enough.

Unless your homeroom teacher instructs you to keep unauthorized, non-school items in your personal  locker, and you need them for warm-up during recess, for example, a ball, and you want to play with your personal ball. You have to boldly prove that the ball in the locker and at recess is a very useful thing, but you also have to be smart, calm and convincing in your statements.









It turns out that the personal opinion of children will be heard when they speak boldly, reasonably, and convincingly.
and give examples to your statements.  Georgy Dronov

Mono life

Now there is such a huge selection of everything that it becomes, if not a problem,
then the complexity.
Choosing a bike, stroller, car, shoes or pasta is no longer as easy as it was 20 years ago. There is a choice for everyone: to whom it is dear, to whom it is cheaper, some without meat, some with mother-of-pearl buttons.

Man is satiated with possibilities. There is everything. Today we ate, for example, black durum wheat pasta with the addition of sea cuttlefish ink. Delicious, yes. Even more. But it was a spontaneous purchase, it would not even have occurred to me to deliberately look for such spaghetti.
The choice is so vast that it is daunting. There are almost no restrictions, only nuances: you can buy it, if not across the street, then in America, from where you will receive delivery.

The time of juicy advertising, so pleasant and appetizing, is already driving you crazy. I fondly remember the store with the name  "Products",
instead of "hyper-super-mega market something there."

People started to complicate things.
When I fly in an airplane, and I fly a lot, I remember how in Soviet times they gave drinks in airplane flat cups, but now everyone has an individual paper cup - impersonal and indifferent.

There are so many bright and different things that it is no longer realistic to stand out bright and different. Because it has become commonplace. Standing out in general has become common. By the way, it is also fashionable not to stand out, but this fashion has not yet had time to get bored.

In my opinion, soon retro will completely and completely capture us. Monocosmetics, monoproducts and clothing will return. There will be "Products" stores again.


People are tired of so many choices, they want clarity, like yin and yang.

text and photos by Sasha Williams

Well of fairy tales

Скважина сказок в городе

Скважина сказок в городе

Когда люди смотрят на мир через скважину своего воображения, тогда они начинают творить. Некоторые люди вообще не видят в жизни чудес, поэтому те, кто видят, открывают эти чудеса для всех.



Скважина символизирует таинственность, не увиденную пока никем. Скважина закрывает чудеса от тех, кто в него не верит и, одновременно, приоткрывает для тех, кто хочет поверить в чудеса.

Городской Невидимка

Городской Невидимка

Этот постамент без памятника помогает людям развить своё воображение, ведь когда на постаменте никого и ничего нет, можно просто придумать

Когда творчество сквозит

Когда творчество сквозит

Сказки помогают нам поверить в то, что кажется невозможным. Сказка -это преображенная реальность, это то чудесное, о котором ты мечтал, но оно все равно появилось неожиданно.

Колодец ангелов

Колодец ангелов

Сказка появляется, когда должна появиться, когда в ней нуждаются, когда хочется чего-нибудь невозможного, когда нет веры в себя, когда уже нет надежды на чудо.

Петербурский ангел

Петербурский ангел

Когда гуляешь в одиночестве, никто не сможет тебя понять лучше, чем ангел, который всегда тебя выслушает и успокоит, даже если ты ничего не будешь произносить вслух.

About man and others

Have you ever made mistakes in your life? I have all the time. And our shrimp only had one. One morning we fed our fish as usual. Poured food into the aquarium. From his lair-amphora came a handsome man, whom we have long named - Max. In fact, my brother called him that, but my mother and I used to call him Karlmax. Or Karl. So, he went out, walked around the aquarium. I looked at the food, ate it. We got out of the bag a special food in balls, which was mainly intended for catfish. They threw one of the balls into the water, and Karl found it. I took it in my claws  began to pluck. He pinched, pinched, so that even the fish could not stop him! And they also usually liked to pluck such a ball. In general, Karl ate all the food in the ball alone, and suddenly he felt bad. I could barely crawl, I almost did not protrude from the amphora-den. We thought he was going to die. But soon they found the shell dropped by Karl in the aquarium, and Karl himself was sitting out in his den, growing new armor for himself. Soon he overeat again, but this time  immediately took off his shell.
Here, people learn how to quickly "remove the shell of their mistakes" and gain new experience!

Discriminator dog

I have an uncle and an aunt, and they have a dog. Chihuahua. Small and mischievous. When someone comes into the apartment smelling of flowers, clattering like a horse with heels or fiddling with the hem of a dress, he does nothing, lies, is silent. It is worth in the corridor to hear the echoing steps of a representative of the stronger sex, giggling cheerfully and encroaching on the rights of the owner of the apartment by turning on the TV, then the war begins. The dog rushes to the invader of the apartment,  barks, tries to bite and, in general, proves who is in charge in the house. That is, he does not regard women as invaders of the apartment, and very much even men.
In general, it's clear, dog  - discriminator, but also the Dog-warrior, the Dog-owner.


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